Sunday, January 5, 2025

Day 5: Until The Wave Crashes (Song-a-day January)

Day 5: Until The Wave Crashes

By David Coile

Part of my daily songwriting project for January 2025

Jenny and James were walking on the beach
They thought that true love was ever out of reach
Their kiss was interrupted as they each made demands
And now they've wandered off to live in separate lands

They thought it was the worst when they burnt it all to ashes
You never quench your thirst until the wave crashes

Carl spent his life savings on a soybean cafe
He didn't anticipate revolution in Uruguay
Now he finds himself selling dollar bills by the dime
His favorite liquidation is drinking cheap wine

They thought it was the worst when they burnt it all to ashes
You never quench your thirst until the wave crashes

Sally had a platform, she campaigned on law and order
On rounding up aliens she claimed had crossed the border
When kickbacks came to light, it upset her constituency
Now she spends her nights at the state penitentiary

They thought it was the worst when they burnt it all to ashes
You never quench your thirst until the wave crashes


Heya! This is the first song this year that I've really had fun writing. Possibly because I was a given a prompt. My Song-a-day January project dovetails with one of the Fearless Songwriter programs, which is a week long daily writing challenge organized by Timmy Riordan; he gives you a new writing prompt everyday. Today's prompt was "The Roar of a Wave".

Waves made me think of surf rock, and though I can't exactly play surf guitar, I thought I could get a surf rock groove together. I imagined tidal waves and how they will cause the water to recede from the beaches before they hit. Sometimes people will wander in to grab fishes or whatever. It struck me as a metaphor for self-destructive tendencies, so I wrote three short vignettes on that theme.

It's not a perfect song by any means, but I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. 

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