Saturday, January 20, 2024

Day 20: Time


Day 20: Time

Part of my song-a-day writing project for January 2024


Time, there's not enough time
Time, just not enough time
A second hand will not embrace you

Time will leave you behind
Time, like a runaway bride
Will leave you all alone at the alter
Leave you all alone to say your vows

Time, there's not enough time
Time, just pay it no mind
For in the end, this all will have happened
And in the end, we all say goodbye


I had a co-write scheduled tonight and, due to miscommunication, we didn't have enough time to finish a song. We got about halfway through, and I was going to take it home and finish it on my own, but I couldn't make it sound right without the other instrument playing with my guitar. So I decided to whip up another song instead with the theme of time getting away from you.

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