Thursday, January 3, 2019

Day 2: Trim My Beard

When I was just a young boy
Couldn't wait for it to grow
Fifteen years had got me
A couple weeds and nothing more
Then one year I got lambchops
I could see some whiskers there
And before I got to drivin'
My face was full of hair
And my daddy, he then told me
"Son, it's time to trim your beard"

I just can't bear a goatee
I think stubble's much too rough
A soul patch barely counts
And a mustache ain't enough
Give me a Garibaldi
Or a Bundholtz I can wear
The ladies think it's sexy
But the boss don't seem to care
He says, "If you want a paycheck,
Son, it's time to trim your beard"

Well I feel so manly
I feel masculine
With hair so lush
Riding on my chin
And it may just tickle
When I kiss your lips
It may just make you want
To shake your hips

Can't wait 'til I'm an old man
When I'm rich and I'm retired
I'll grow a beard to spite them
Grow it long and grow it wild
And I'll look like I'm a wise man
Or a prophet or a seer
And I'll throw away their scissors
And I'll hide all of their shears
And if they ask, I'll tell 'em
"I got no time to trim my beard"

Details: I got a haircut today, which included a beard trim, so I wanted to write about that. I usually grow my beard out for the holidays so I can look more Santa-like, if necessary. But I'm not like the character in this song-- I don't love huge beards; in fact, my propensity to wear beards is more because I'm too lazy to stay clean shaven. Anyway, I wanted to have some really upbeat tune after yesterday's more melancholy piece. This song-a-day challenge is great for writing, but it's also a great laboratory for trying out new guitar techniques. I've always wanted to be able to play funky guitar, and I think I'm almost there...

This took about 3.5 hours to write and another hour to practice and record (and I'll need to work on it a lot more to get it down for the future).