Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fiber Sex

Fiber One has, of late, had a series of commercials showcasing popular 80s tunes.  Most of them rewrite the lyrics to very clearly and directly promote their brand of snacks as healthy (yet supposedly tasty) alternatives to junk food.  I've recently seen this new ad that breaks the mold a bit:

In the commercial, the women are staring lustily at a stockboy and what he's pushing just below the screen-- perhaps it's the stockboy's gigantic penis, which even requires a rolling cart to be carried.  A classic attempt to use sex to sell a product, right?  But it gets disturbing the more you think about it.

What does something high in fiber do?  Why is it a healthy snack?   Because it makes you poop a lot.  It's food that doesn't stick to your bowels.  It cleanses your digestive system.  These women are aroused by a stock boy who's offering them the magic of pooping.

Now, I'm not naive-- I'm aware that many people enjoy scatological fetishes.  They may very well be Fiber One fans.  If so, this ad may constitute an attempt by Fiber One to reach out to their base.  I mean, it makes a lot of sense-- there's a synergy here.  But if Fiber One wants to appeal to anyone beyond Coprophiliacs, they may want to reconsider this ad.

I suppose a more generous interpretation of this ad's message might be that women, when given the option to eat sinfully while also keeping off the pounds, will feel sexier; and when women feel sexier, they are more apt to want sex with stockboys a decade their junior.  That may be the case; and there's nothing wrong with it if there is.  But I think it's about poop sex, as I think most people will once they carry it through to its logical conclusion.

So, bravo, Fiber One, for entertaining horny, flatulent, pre-teen boys all around the world.

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