Friday, September 12, 2014

Movie Review: Bad Words (2013)

People who know me think I'm polite... and they're right.  I believe in trying to make those around me feel comfortable.  I may not always succeed, but it's something I shoot for.  But those who've seen me let my guard down, they know I can swear up a blue streak and that my taste for rude and crude humor runs deep.

That's probably why I loved Bad Words.  I appreciate films that find pleasant pockets of seeming innocence, then break down every arbitrary rule of ettiquette (Bad Santa is a classic of the genre).  Jason Bateman plays a scary-smart, obnoxious little shit who's found a loop-hole allowing him to enter a national spelling bee circuit.  From there he pisses off parents, proctors and participants alike as he bullies his way to a seemingly inevitable spelling bee championship.  Along the way he reluctantly befriends a 10 year old fellow-contestant who threatens to soften his resolve.

This movie is one big excuse to be rude, but there also unfolds a well constructed story.  The film is populated by self-righteous pricks, so Bateman's character doesn't come off as badly as you might think, and the motivation behind his scorched earth tactics sets a central mystery (one that is revealed a little too early for my tastes... but it doesn't hurt the film overall).  The end has some very entertaining twists and turns, too, then pretty much nails the landing.

This is Jason Bateman's directorial debut, and though I'd give most credit to the wonderful script by Andrew Dodge, Bateman did an excellent job of directing this thing.  It's visually great, the pacing is excellent, and the comic timing is spot-on.  He also manages to bring out some great performances from the supporting cast.

This is now one of my favorite films.  I'd like to recommend it to everybody, but it's just not that kind of film.  However, if you'd like a chance watch ninety minutes of some seriously bad manners, this is a must-see movie.

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