Monday, August 25, 2014

Smell Power!


So, I was thinking about psychic powers, and I think the world would be a dandy place if there were psychic powers, just because I always wanted to be a superhero...

Anyway, the term "Sixth Sense" gets bandied about as a sort of nick-name for psychic powers, and that sixth sense is also referred to as "Second Sight."  Now the big knock on psychic powers is that, if they existed, then it should be pretty obvious.  You should be able to see the future coming before it hits you, or hear other people's thoughts, etc.

But what if it wasn't like "Second Sight," but more like "Second Smell?"  Not all of our senses are especially sharp, and if psychic powers were more like the sense of smell, then there'd be no question that they would manifest themselves in a fairly vague way.  They say "in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king," but I can't think it would be the same for a man with a keen sense of smell in a world of people lacking an olfactory sense.

So, my question to you, dear readers, is what advantages would you have if you were the only person in the world with the sense of smell?  The sense of touch?  Taste?  And how would you use those advantages to either save, change, or take over the world?


  1. Deja vu, also refers to psychic powers as the vague previous experience of. I don't know if psychic powers are constant, but rather, fleeting moments of clarity. I would become a sage, nomadic hermit, that would give seekers of enlightenment, certain aspects of truth mixed in with plenty of trivial advice.

    1. Yes! Trivial advice mixed in just to screw with the truth-seekers! "If asleep you fall with earbuds on, too deaf you may be to hear the sound of one hand clapping..."
